Everything You Need To Know About 5G, With Guy Kawasaki and Cristiano Amon [Podcast]

Dec 21, 2020 8:00 AM ET

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Upon hearing about the promise of 5G beyond its blazing fast speeds, Guy Kawasaki was stunned.

“So you are discussing, in a sense, something as big as the industrial revolution, the computer revolution, the internet revolution. This is not just internet, better. This is a different curve.”

“Absolutely correct,” replied Qualcomm President Cristiano Amon, in our latest episode of The Qualcomm Podcast.

Guy, an author and creator of The Remarkable People Podcast, recently joined our show as a guest host, talking with Cristiano about all things 5G. They dove into the ways this next generation of wireless is already booming around us, from 5G smartphones and PCs to Guy’s own experience at a 5G-powered Chainsmokers concert. Even in the fight against the pandemic, the technology is already making a difference around the globe. And looking forward, the duo also discussed how 5G can bolster new opportunities for entrepreneurship and transform industries across sectors, including autogaming, and many more.