Arrow Value Recovery Blog | Sustainatopia #Boston October 9-12

By Carol Baroudi
Jul 25, 2016 1:00 PM ET

October’s Sustainatopia in Boston will be my fifth Sustainatopia conference. I love this event, and look forward to connecting and reconnecting with others who are actively engaged in trying to effect change on so many interconnected fronts. Sustainability 101 teaches systems thinking, which promotes holistic thinking, a bringing together of different disciplines to create solutions that draw from knowledge often held in silos. Integrating what we know is critical to avoiding the unintended consequences that frequently arise when solutions are created in isolation. Sustainatopia weaves together six distinct but highly synergistic tracks for a dynamic, warm, creative and productive event. I wouldn’t miss it.

The first 100 speakers have been announced, but this conference of colleagues will continue to unfold in the months to come, and I highly encourage you to find your way in. Take a look at the agenda. See something where you know you have a lot to contribute? Notice anything you think should be addressed but isn’t yet there? Drop me a line at and I’ll happily make an introduction. Or if you’re ready to register, catch the early-bird rates before August 10. And if you’re heading to Boston for the conference or otherwise, let’s plan to connect. They say it takes a village to raise a child. It’ll take all of us to effect the change we need to create now.

Carol Baroudi works for Arrow’s Value Recovery business promoting sustainability awareness and action. She is the lead author of Green IT For Dummies. Her particular focus is on electronics in the Circular Economy, with an emphasis on the IT asset disposition stage, e-waste and everything connected. Follow her on Twitter @carol_baroudi and connect with her on LinkedIn at