How will Regionalized Global Growth Affect Sustainability Planning?

Blog by Julie Urlaub, Founder and Managing Partner at Taiga Company
Jul 11, 2011 11:15 AM ET

Taiga Company blog by Julie Urlaub, Founder and Managing Partner at Taiga Compa…

With little debate on the fact that we have reached the bottom of the global downturn and are entering a period of resurgent growth, there is however, a differing of opinion on the speed, location, and stability of economic prosperity.  The CFO Magazine article, The Great Divide, explores what the post describes as the look and feel of the economic recovery.  Examining the wide range in growth by global region, the article examines two extremes:   •    Less-Potent Recovery for mature economies like the United States and most of Europe   •    Extra-Strength Recovery for emerging markets like India, Hong Kong, and Argentina   For companies actively engaged or seeking engagement in these markets, many business sustainability concerns come to mind.  CFO Magazine poses two interesting and timely questions to any business building a sustainable global growth strategy.   •    Will you use cash to aggressively expand operations in emerging markets?   •    What might pose the greatest business sustainability risk to this aggressive strategy?   Pursuant an accelerated growth business strategy, companies must apply traditional business sustainability questions to lesser-defined markets.  By this we mean, a stable company must strategically plan for a variety of unknowns and lack of control in the business growth equation.   Click here to read how regionalized growth affects sustainability planning.   

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