Volkswagen’s “Crashed Cases” Forces Drivers to Rethink Texting While Driving

Apr 27, 2018 7:25 PM ET

Volkswagen’s “Crashed Cases” Forces Drivers to Rethink Texting While Driving

Texting while driving is still a major cause of car accidents around the world. In fact, drivers are 23 times more likely to be involved in a car accident when texting. Earlier this year Sweden passed a law making it illegal to drive with a phone in your hand, hoping to improve those staggering statistics – however they saw no change. To drive home the dangers of texting while driving, Volkswagen has created a silent yet persistent reminder for drivers. 

Volkswagen Stockholm is creating 153 phone cases made from the scratched and warped sheet metal of cars that have been in texting-and-driving accidents. Each case in the Crashed Cases series is handmade and engraved with a number that represents a serious car accident in Sweden during the first month of the new law.

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