Reporting 3.0 Conference Explores Future of Integral Information Systems in Data Blueprint Segment

May 16, 2017 10:00 AM ET

May 16, 2017 ​/3BL Media/ - With the 2017 Reporting 3.0 Conference at KPMG Headquarters in Amsterdam just two weeks away (on May 30-31), we take our next step deeper into the Program after last week’s survey of the first segment of the Conference focused on the Reporting Blueprint. This week, we explore the Conference’s second segment, focused on the Data Blueprint.

R3 Conference Segment 2: The Data Blueprint

After the Introductory Keynotes and Plenary Panel (covering the Reporting Blueprint and Data Blueprint) kick off Day One and the Reporting Blueprint Parallel Sessions break out, we've added to the Program a special interview with Oxford University scholar Kate Raworth about her new book, Doughnut Economics. Bill Baue of R3 recorded the interview (that will be screened at the Conference) just this week when Kate was in Boston presenting in a seminar discussion at the Tellus Institute

Serendipity intervened, as it was Allen White's office that was available for conducting the interview! This bridged perfectly to a question about the overlap between Doughnut Economics' ecological ceilings and social foundations, and the Principle of Sustainability Context that Allen conceived during his tenure as Chief Executive at the Global Reporting Initiative (and that Reporting 3.0 advocates). Kate responded with 5 levels at which companies can address the Doughnut -- a list that uncannily mirrors the Reporting 3.0 Strategy Continuum (which we've updated significantly since Exposure Draft 2.0, due in large part to feedback in the recent Virtual Dialogue).  

At the end of the interview, after we turned the cameras off, Bill mentioned how the final draft of the Data Blueprint will include a transformed version of Dana Meadows' "Daly Triangle" (we're now calling it the "Daly Hourglass") that integrates the Doughnut, so she expressed interest in seeing it. As it turns out, Bill had his hand-drawn draft in his briefcase, so he whipped it out and she examined it closely, giving it a preliminary stamp of approval while also proposing some potential tweaks that might push it even further. It's precisely this kind of collaborative effort that exemplifies R3 and results in outcomes with broad input and support!     

Check out her attached speaker quote card to get a taste of Kate's line of thinking that you can share via social media with the #Reporting3 hashtag.

After screening this interview, Allen White will join Bill Baue via livestream to announce the release of the final report of the Data Blueprint and provide his perspective on its significance in contextualizing data architecture and information flows. As a Reporting 3.0 Validator, Allen has given his imprimatur to the role of R3 as a Research & Development function for the reporting field broadly by collaboratively identifying, vetting, recommending, piloting, and road-testing next-generation reporting practices that help spur the emergence of a truly regenerative, green, inclusive and open global economy. See his quote attached to get a peek at Allen’s thinking.

This tees up Parallel Sessions in the three Reporting 3.0 tracks: 

  • Educate:  R3 Co-Instigator Ralph Thurm will moderate this session on the challenges of integrating and contextualizing the multiple capitals into a data ecosystem that triggers a green & inclusive economy; 
    • Mark McElroy of the Center for Sustainable Organizations will present on how Context-Based Sustainability and the MultiCapital Scorecard structure data flows, and CSO's context-based metrics for assessing sustainability performance across diverse areas of impact such as carbon, water, and waste;  
    • Jim Ormond of Article 13 will present updated research on how companies integrating Sustainability Context into their reporting by assessing impacts vis-à-vis planetary boundaries and social foundations.
  • Advocate: R3 Data Blueprint Lead Author Bill Baue will moderate this discussion on piloting new data approaches to integrate context and capitals gaps in materiality, carbon accounting and water stewardship; 
    • Richard Marsh of BT will present the company's current approach to materiality, exploring gaps compared to the Recommendations in the R3 Blueprints on a context-based approach to materiality;  
    • Matt Swibel of Lockheed Martin will report on the company's context-based approach to measuring its carbon footprint in relation to the carbon budget, and benchmarking it to peer companies in its 2016 Sustainability Report;

Aaron Vermeulen of WWF will present on the new Context-Based Water Targets and Stewardship workstream by CDP, Pacific Institute, The Nature Conservancy, UNGC, WRI, and WWF.

  • Accelerate: R3 Advocation Partner Glenn Frommer will moderate this dialogue on leveraging blockchain, artificial intelligence and big data to link financial and sustainability impacts throughout the value chain
    • Niels Faber of Radboud University will present on a region-based blockchain pilot integrating context
    • Annemieke Huibrechtse of Deloitte will present on how Deloitte's work with data is maturing to drive deeper transformations at the companies they work with; 

Jiro Olcott of Guard Global will discuss the piloting of a context-based blockchain applications geared toward investors tracking carbon flows throughout the value chain. 

For more information about the Reporting 3.0 Conference – including registration options – please see the Conference Website: