HP Inc. Continues Rich Legacy Of Sustainability As Outlined In 2018 Report

by Patrick Moorhead
Jul 16, 2019 2:10 PM ET
image courtesy Forbes.com

Originally published on Forbes

As a technology analyst, I spend a lot of time jet setting from conference to conference, covering the latest greatest advances in technology and IT solutions. Another part of what I cover, though, is the kinder, gentler material that’s under the hood—company culture, CSR, and the like. Environmental sustainability is a huge issue that in my experience doesn’t get talked about enough in big tech.

I believe HP is a company that is showing how adopting more environmentally responsible, sustainable ways of doing business can pay actual dividends—what’s good for the environment is good for business and society. I recently had the opportunity to take a look at HP Inc.’s 2018 Sustainable Impact Report. I wanted to share what I learned about the company’s history in sustainability, the progress it has made, and the new commitments it is making.

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