Pizza Hut, Taco Bell Philippines Continue to Fight Hunger

by The Standard Lifestyle
Dec 2, 2015 8:05 AM ET

Originally published on The Standard

Every day, fast food labels Pizza Hut and Taco Bell Philippines offer the public quick and filling meals to help us get through the day. But once a year, these restaurants under Yum! Brands Inc. provide nutritious food to schoolchildren in Mindanao in a bid to end world hunger. 

This year is no different, as the two popular fast food brands, together with the United Nations World Food Programme, recently visited conflict-affected communities in Lanao to observe the WFP’s ongoing feeding program for children. The school-based feeding program is part of Yum!'s annual World Hunger Relief campaign, which is touted as the world’s largest private sector hunger relief effort to raise awareness, volunteerism and funds to benefit WFP.

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