Ecocentricity Blog: Why Two When One Will Do?

Nov 22, 2016 12:50 PM ET
Campaign: Ecocentricity Blog

Why Two When One Will Do?

I have a business hypothetical for you. Let’s say your favorite color is green and that you are in the market for a new raincoat. You’ve found a perfect-fitting, deep forest green coat for $90, and you are ready to take it to the register when I stop you with a proposition.

“Nice raincoat,” I begin. “The color really brings out your eyes.”

“Thanks,” you awkwardly reply, wondering why this stranger in the store is talking about your eyes.

I continue on, oblivious to your uncomfortable and defensive stance: “So I can see why you might want to buy that beautiful coat, but before you do, perhaps you would be interested in what I have to sell. You see, I have this lightweight windbreaker in the exact same shade of green, and it only costs $50.”

As your eyes scan the store for the friends who have somehow abandoned you to this bizarre person trying to sell you his own coat inside a coat store, you politely respond: “I’m not looking for a windbreaker. I need a new raincoat, and that would soak through in a storm.”

“Aha!” I say in triumph. “That’s why I have this clear, colorless rain coat to put over your green windbreaker, and it also only costs $50. That way, you can stay stylish and dry with two garments instead of one! So, do we have a deal?”

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