Morgan Stanley: Aligning Financial Returns with Impact Objectives

By Kelly Eisenhardt
Jul 14, 2016 1:30 PM ET
Kelly Eisenhardt


The impact investment community continues to grow and the need for increased capital to fund sustainability based investments is at an all-time high. Investors are searching for a way to align their financial returns with their impact objectives.

Lily Scott Trager is the Director of Investing with Impact for Morgan Stanley Wealth Management.

What is the Climate Change and Fossil Fuel Aware Investing Tool Kit?

The Tool Kit is designed as a roadmap to provide historical context and background on climate change and fossil fuels and the investment implications. Further, it seeks to help clients manage their portfolio in a way that aligns with their personal interests and financial goals, as well as mitigate climate change and fossil fuel use. The roadmap helps investors build action plans that are most suitable to their risk level and to create a diversified portfolio.

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Kelly Eisenhardt is Co-Founder and Managing Director at BlueCircle Advisors, an environmental compliance and sustainability consulting and training firm based in Massachusetts (