The 1.25% of Employee Volunteers That Will Change Everything (and How To Find Them)

Sep 15, 2022 3:30 PM ET
The 1.25% of Employee Volunteers that will Change Everything (And How to Find Them)
The 1.25% of Employee Volunteers that will Change Everything (And How to Find Them)

The 1.25% of Employee Volunteers that will Change Everything (And How to Find T…

The dirty little secret of corporate volunteering is that your employees are already volunteering…in their own lives, on their own time…but they’re probably not telling YOU about it. It’s unlikely you will ever identify and formally capture all those hours for your corporate employee volunteering statistics – and we’re not suggesting you try. However, it is critical that you’re aware that those volunteers and super-volunteers exist in your midst, and we are suggesting you work to identify them, because they can help you accomplish your goals of meaningfully engaging employees through volunteerism. This is exactly the “RealTalk” we had featuring RW’s CSO, Chris Jarvis, earlier this month (watch the full recording here) and the focus of this blog.

Before we get to the “how” of identifying this special breed of volunteer, let’s first focus on the “why”. As we help companies build a network of employee volunteer leaders (often called ‘Ambassadors’ or ‘Champions’), there are a few fundamental frameworks we rely upon at Realized Worth to ensure these networks are both scalable and sustainable.

For us at RW, this is ultimately how we link corporate purpose to personal meaning. It goes beyond growth and scale. It’s how we center the needs of the community. It’s how we connect with one another in a more human, authentic way. It’s how we guide volunteers and help them make sense of who they were during that experience of volunteering. And ultimately, it’s how we break down barriers between people… which is why we’re here. Care to join us? We’d love to support you in your corporate volunteering journey, whether that’s a custom consulting engagement or providing you with the tools to do it on your own powered by the new Social REV platform, Backstage.

Read the full blog here.