Sappi Teams Set New Safety Standard

Nov 6, 2018 4:05 PM ET

We’re excited to report that 2017 was the best safety year in our recorded history, tied with 2013, and our most complex locations, the Somerset and Cloquet mills, clocked in with record-breaking safety performances.

We’ve established a global goal of zero workplace incidents consistent with “Project Zero,” and our overall safety program targets, and we continue to use the Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate to measure work-related incidents.

Increasing awareness through daily safety communications is ongoing. Front-line leaders provide observations and corrective feedback on critical safe behaviors. We’ve revisited our Cardinal Safety Rules and emphasized incident reporting and early treatment for severity reduction.

At all of our manufacturing facilities, representatives from union and management leadership collaborate to drive safety improvements, and senior mill leadership across each area of operations meets to discuss safety.

We keep employees informed as well. The new employee safety orientation has been streamlined and updated to include the SafeStart® skill building program.

  • 38% (LTIFR) reduction from the previous year
  • 0 Lost-Time Injuries Achieved at the Allentown facility, the Technology Center, and the Boston and South Portland offices
  • 2 million Hours Cloquet employees surpassed without a losttime injury, a record achievement, putting it among the industry’s best manufacturing sites

Read more from Sappi North America's 2017 Sustainability Report here: