Jeremy Rifkin on the Next Industrial Revolution

UPS Longitudes Podcast
Feb 24, 2016 12:00 PM ET
Campaign: Thought Leadership

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Audio File

Brian Hughes | UPS Longitudes

You probably know a little bit about the Industrial Revolution or even the Second Industrial Revolution.

But what if I told you we’re now on the cusp of another industrial revolution, a Third Industrial Revolution, to be exact?

This era will usher in a fundamental reordering of human relationships, changing the way we conduct business, govern society, educate our children and engage in civic life.

That’s the vision of the future as imagined by Jeremy Rifkin, one of the big thinkers of our time.

In the first podcast, Rifkin explains exactly how the Third Industrial Revolution will change our daily lives.

What role will the Internet of Things play in this transformation, and how will that connectivity affect global productivity? Rifkin has the answers.

The author also delves into the blurring lines between the physical and virtual worlds, connecting the dots behind global trends already at work.

In the second podcast, he will explain what exactly this means for our economic future, and how some of the world’s leading businesses are planning for this new day.

He will illustrate the growing connection between sustainability and profitability in today’s marketplace. According to Rifkin, this evolution is particularly compelling in the transportation and logistics sectors.

In this installment, Rifkin details how citizens are now thinking globally and acting locally. The thought leader also breaks down the concept of “biosphere consciousness,” predicting that such a disruption will change the world for the better.

Lastly, you’ll want to hear Rifkin’s thoughts on virtual reality … this is about much more than the next generation of video games.

Brian Hughes is a writer and editor at Longitudes.

Reprinted with permission of Longitudes, the UPS blog devoted to the trends shaping the global economy.